The Impacts of Population and Agglomeration Development on Land Use Intensity: New Evidence behind Urbanization in China

Xu, Feng, Zhanqi Wang, Guangqing Chi, and Zhexi Zhang. 2020. "The Impacts of Population and Agglomeration Development on Land Use Intensity: New Evidence behind Urbanization in China." Land Use Policy 95: 104639.

Global Tweet Mentions of COVID-19

Chi, Guangqing, Junjun Yin, and Yosef Bodovski. 2020. "Global Tweet Mentions of COVID-19." [webGIS product]. Available at Released on April 6, 2020.

Lost in the Black Belt South: Health Outcomes and Transportation Infrastructure

Chi, Guangqing, Derrick Shapley, Tse-Chuan Yang, and Donghui Wang. 2019. "Lost in the Black Belt South: Health Outcomes and Transportation Infrastructure." Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 191(S2): 297. 

Amish Language Research: A Review

Anderson, Cory. 2019. “Amish Language Research: A Review.” Handbook of the Changing World Language Map 1:939–961.

Spatial Regression Models for the Social Sciences

Chi, Guangqing and Jun Zhu. 2019. Spatial Regression Models for the Social Sciences. Volume 14 of Advanced Quantitative Techniques in the Social Sciences. SAGE Publications: Thousand Oaks, CA. 272 pages. ISBN: 9781544302072; 154430207X.

Transportation Infrastructures and Socioeconomic Statuses: A Spatial Regression Analysis at the County Level in the Continental United States, 1970–2010

Kasu, Bishal and Guangqing Chi. 2019. "Transportation Infrastructures and Socioeconomic Statuses: A Spatial Regression Analysis at the County Level in the Continental United States, 1970–2010." Spatial Demography 7(1): 27–56. 

The Spatial Effects of Land Use and Land Cover Change on Ecosystem Services Intensity at the County Level in China, 1995–2015

Chen, Wanxu, Guangqing Chi, and Jiangfeng Li. 2019. "The Spatial Effects of Land Use and Land Cover Change on Ecosystem Services Intensity at the County Level in China, 1995–2015." Science of the Total Environment 669: 459–470.

A Critical Appraisal of Amish Studies’ De Facto Paradigm, ‘Negotiating with Modernity

Anderson, Cory, Joseph Donnermeyer, Jeffrey Longhofer, and Steven D. Reschly. 2019. “A Critical Appraisal of Amish Studies’ De Facto Paradigm, ‘Negotiating with Modernity.’” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 58(3):725–742.

Reframing Food Security by and for Native American Communities: A Case Study among Tribes in the Klamath River Basin of Oregon and California

Sowerwine, Jennifer, Megan Mucioki, Daniel Sarna-Wojcicki, and Lisa Hillman. 2019. “Reframing Food Security by and for Native American Communities: A Case Study among Tribes in the Klamath River Basin of Oregon and California.” Food Security 11(3):579–607. 

Design and Implementation of a Parallel Geographically Weighted k-Nearest Neighbor Classifier

Pu, Yingxia, Xinyi Zhao, Guangqing Chi, Shuhe Zhao, Jiechen Wang, Zhibin Jin, and Junjun Yin. 2019. "Design and Implementation of a Parallel Geographically Weighted k-Nearest Neighbor Classifier." Computers and Geosciences 127: 111–122.

Abandoned Rural Residential Land: Using Machine Learning Methods to Identify Rural Residential Land Vulnerable to be Abandoned in Mountainous Areas

Xu, Feng, Hung Chak Ho, Guangqing Chi, and Zhanqi Wang. 2019. "Abandoned Rural Residential Land: Using Machine Learning Methods to Identify Rural Residential Land Vulnerable to be Abandoned in Mountainous Areas." Habitat International 84: 43–56. 

Future Interstate Highway System Demands: Predictions Based on Population Projections

Chi, Guangqing, Donghui Wang, and Annelise D. Hagedorn. 2019. "Future Interstate Highway System Demands: Predictions Based on Population Projections." Case Studies on Transport Policy 7(2): 384–394. 

Rural-Urban Variation in Informal Work Activities in the United States

Jensen, Leif, Ann Tickamyer, and Tim Slack. 2019. “Rural-Urban Variation in Informal Work Activities in the United States.”  Journal of Rural Studies 68:276-284.

Renewing the National Commitment to the Interstate Highway System: A Foundation for the Future

Chi, Guangqing. 2019. "Demographic Forecasting and Future Interstate Highway System Demands." In: Renewing the National Commitment to the Interstate Highway System: A Foundation for the Future, pp. 313–350 by the Future Interstate Study Committee of the Transportation Research Board in response to a Congressional request for the Fixing America's Surface Transportation Act of 2015. Washington, D.C.: The National Academies Press. DOI: 10.17226/25334.

A Spatial Dynamic Panel Approach for Modeling the Space-time Dynamics of Interprovincial Migration Flows in China

Pu, Yingxia, Xinyi Zhao, Guangqing Chi, Jin Zhao, and Fanhua Kong. 2019. "A Spatial Dynamic Panel Approach for Modeling the Space-time Dynamics of Interprovincial Migration Flows in China." Demographic Research 41: 913–948.

How to Do Gender Research? Feminist Perspectives on Gender Research in Agriculture

Ann R. Tickamyer and Kathleen Sexsmith. 2019. “How to Do Gender Research? Feminist Perspectives on Gender Research in Agriculture.” Pp. 57-71 in C. Sachs (ed.) Gender, Agriculture and Agrarian Transformations. London and New York: Routledge. 

Spatiotemporal Variations of Land Use Intensity and Its Driving Forces in China, 2000–2010

Xu, Feng and Guangqing Chi. 2019. "Spatiotemporal Variations of Land Use Intensity and Its Driving Forces in China, 2000–2010." Regional Environmental Change 19(8): 2583–2596. 

Climate change and educational attainment in the global tropics

Randell, H & C Gray. (2019) "Climate change and educational attainment in the global tropics." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 116(18): 8840-8845.

Error Measures for Trajectories Estimations with Geo-tagged Mobility Sample Data

Parsafard, Mohsen, Guangqing Chi, Xiaobo Qu, Xiaopeng Li, and Haizhong Wang. 2019. "Error Measures for Trajectories Estimations with Geo-tagged Mobility Sample Data." IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 20(7): 2566–2583. 

The Impact of Spatial Spillovers on Interprovincial Migration in China, 2005–2010

Pu, Yingxia, Xiao Han, Guangqing Chi, Yaping Wang, Ying Ge, and Fanhua Kong. 2019. "The Impact of Spatial Spillovers on Interprovincial Migration in China, 2005–2010." Regional Studies 53(8): 1125–1136.